Conflicts in Branches

When several people are working on one project but in different branches, conflicts may occur when they start to merge branches.

Conflicts are changes made in the same line of code or code block in text files/entites or changes made in binary files. You should keep in mind that Flamingo does not allow for conflicts to appear in the Master branch. To achieve this, when you perform the Merge into Master action in Flamingo Control Panel for a child branch, at first Flamingo updates your branch from the Master branch and only after that adds changes from the child branch into the Master one.

Conflicts may occur in Flamingo-specific entities, text files and binary files in child branches. If any conflict is encountered, the action with branches you are performing in Control Panel is terminated and you are asked to solve the conflicts in Flamingo IDE. You can go on with the required actions only after all conflicts are solved.


You can use multi-user project development feature to communicate with other people working on project to resolve conflicts in case you have any doubts.

Resolve Conflicts Interface

This topic describes elements of Flamingo IDE interface for resolving conflicts in project files/resources.

Resolving Conflicts in Text Files/Entites

This topic describes how to work with conflicts encountered in text files and Flamingo-specific entites.

Resolving Conflicts in Binary Files

This topic describes how to work with conflicts concerning binary files.

Resolving Conflicts with Deleted Files/Entities

This topic describes how to work with conflicts involving deletion of files or Flamingo-specific entities.