Branch Management

After you have published the first version of your site, you will frequently need to add new features, pages to your site or fix bugs. Sometimes such tasks are simple and can be done right away, but more often than not they take a lot of time and resources. Besides, your team may be working on several new features simultaneously. All this can cause your live site to crash or show some development stages on its live version. Both these situations won’t play into your hands, so it’s better to avoid them.

In Flamingo, branches will help you to do this effectively.

What is branch?

The main goal of branches is to help you separate tasks performed with the site. That is, you can create one branch for adding new pages to your site, the other for developing new feature and the third one for resolving some problem.

This way your live site version stays intact and you can add new functionality, pages, etc. only when they are ready and well-tested.

How does it work in Flamingo?

In Flamingo, when you create a project, default Master branch is created automatically. After you finish site development and publish it, this branch holds the live version of your site and is the only branch that can published to the server in the future.

You can add child branches to the Master branch on any stage of development. It does not matter if you have already published the Master branch or not. At the same time, any minor tweaks and edits can be done and published directly from the Master branch.

When you create a new branch, you get a copy of the Master one, and after you finish working with it, you add all modifications you made in the child branch, into Master. And that is the life cycle of each child branch.

Flamingo tries to do its best to help you avoid merging issues, that’s why you can keep all branches in sync and add new functionality to the live version as soon as it’s finished or update your branch from the Master one, if the functionality you are working on takes a lot of time and you want to be sure it does not conflict with other modifications that may take place.

Flamingo also takes care of security. You can share your branches only with people that need to work with them and what’s more, Flamingo lets you grant permissions on performing different actions with each branch. This way the principle of least privilege is observed.

You can manage branches in Flamingo Control Panel and work with each branch in Flamingo IDE.

Viewing Available Branches

Describes how to view the list of branches available in definite project.

Creating and Deleting Branches

Describes how to create new branch and delete unnecessary branches.

Merging Branches

Describes how to merge and update branches.

Updating Branch Details

Describes how to change branch name and description.