Template Advantages

Template usage offers you a number of advantages described below.

One Template - Many Pages

You can assign a mobile template to one or several original pages.

For example, you want to create a mobile version of the Christmas Sales landing page on your online store site. In this case, you can assign Christmas-designed mobile template to this particular page.

Or if you have a blog and you want to optimize all pages with articles for mobile devices, you can assign one template that represents mobile article to all pages with articles of your blog. Therefore, the ability to assign a few templates to unlimited number of original site pages will save you a lot of time and effort when developing mobile website.

100% HTML-Compatible Code

Code in templates is 100% HTML-compatible and Flamingo Code Editor provides standard HTML code highlighting to mark out tags, attributes, text, comment nodes, etc. You can copy/paste code for your templates between Flamingo IDE and any HTML editor. Code autocompletion makes working with templates even easier.

Dynamic Content

Dynamic content allows mobile pages to catch up with modifications made on original pages automatically. This content is taken by specific functions defined in Flamingo API . When using dynamic content in your templates, you should follow syntax rules.

CSS Support

In Flamingo templates, you can use styles defined inline or in external CSS files.

Code Editor Toolbar

Toolbar in Code Editor provides useful options and shortcuts for comfortable coding.

Search in Template Content

You can use search to look for some definite content in the currently opened template.

Validation of Template Code

All changes made in the currently opened (in IDE) template will be automatically validated, saved and applied to all mobile preview screens, including preview frame on desktop and all mobile previews opened through QR code.