Chat and List of Participants

You can use chat to communicate with other developers who are working on the project at the moment. List of participants shows the list of people available for chat.

Chat Window

To open chat, click on the Chat button on the right sidebar.

Participant name

Name of the user working on the project. It is taken from the Flamingo profile available in Control Panel. It can be either user name or e-mail address (if name is not available).


This field contains all messages sent by participants.

Participant name

Name of the participant who sent the message.


Date when the message was sent.


Time when the message was sent.


An icon representing the user. It is taken from by default. You can change it in the Flamingo profile settings in Control Panel.

Message text

Text of the message sent by the user.

New message

Type the message you need to send in this field.


Click this button to send a message.

List of Participants

List of participants contains general information about people that are logged in to Flamingo IDE. It is located on the right sidebar.

The following information is available for each user:


An icon representing the user.


User name.


Describes what actions user is taking in Flamingo IDE.

Became online

User has entered Flamingo IDE, but they have not edited any files yet.

Editing ‘path_and_file_name’

User is working with the specified file.

Closed ‘path_and_file_name’

User has closed the file they’ve been working on.


Click this button to share branch currently opened in your IDE.


This button is available only if you have permission to share the current branch.