
This key contains parameters definition. You should declare it in the following way:

       name: "gtop",
       parameters: {
               title: "//title"

This key is obligatory.

You can also use the parameters key to define nested parameters collections. XPath, defined in such collections, is executed in the parent context. For example:

       name: "category",
       parameters: {
           subtitle: {
                       xpath: "//li[@class=\"cat_active\"]",
                       parameters: {
                            title: ".//strong",
                            count: ".//span"

Pay attention to the syntax when defining variables in the nested parameters collection - you should use period ( . ) before such nested parameters definitions. If XPath defined in the parent parameters does not exist, nested parameters collections are not processed.

Usage examples

Example 1:Using Nested Parameters Collections

Shows how to use nested parameters collections.