Trigger Manager

Trigger Manager is used to add/remove triggers and edit them.

To open it, click the Trigger Manager button on the left sidebar.

Trigger Manager

Sort list

Sort available triggers.

Sort by Name (ascending)

Sort triggers by name in ascending order.

Sort by Name (descending)

Sort triggers by name in descending order.

Sort by Usage (ascending)

Sort triggers by usage in project resources, from the least frequently used triggers to the most frequently used ones.

Sort by Usage (descending)

Sort triggers by usage in project resources, from the most frequently used triggers to the least frequently used ones.

+ New Trigger

Create new trigger.

Search Trigger

Find trigger by its name.

Trigger Properties

Usage Indicator

The green indicator shows that the trigger is applied and working.


Expand or collapse trigger properties.


Trigger name. It is shown on the trigger title. Your triggers are identified by name.


The number of project resources in which the trigger is used.


Trigger name. It is shown on the trigger title. Your triggers are identified by name.

Condition Rule

The values of the Variable, Condition, and Value fields form the the rule in the trigger. Each trigger can have one or more rules.


This field contains a variable for the rule. The field can have one of the following values:

Page Path

The path to the page.

Page Hostname

The page hostname.

Page URI

The URI of the page.

XPath / CSS Selector

XPath or CSS selector.




The list of available conditions for the rule depends on the value of the Variable field.

Page Path, Page Hostname, Page URI conditions:


Does not Equal


Does not Contain

Starts with

Does not Start with

Ends with

Does not End with

Matches RegEx

Matches RegEx (ignore case)

Does not Match RegEx

Does not Match RegEx (ignore case)

XPath / CSS Selector conditions:

Node Exists

Node does not exist

Device conditions:

Contained In

Not Contained In


The value for the rule. This field can contain a string value, selector or a value from the drop-down list.

Use the button to select the element on the site page.

If the value of the Variable property is Device, you can select one of the following devices: Phone, Tablet, Desktop.

Match Mark

Green mark identifies that the trigger condition returned True for the current page.


Add new condition.


Remove condition from the trigger.


Create a copy of the trigger.


Delete this trigger.