Template Manager

Template Manager is used to add/remove templates, set their properties, and change their order.

To open it, click the Template Manager button on the left sidebar.

Template Manager

  • New Template

    Create new template.

  • Search template

    Find template by description, tag or device.

Template Properties

  •  Drag to Change Template Order

    Use this sign to change the order of your templates.

  • Expand/Collapse Indicator

    Specifies if template properties are expanded or collapsed.

  • Template

    Template name. It is shown on the template title. Your templates are identified by name.

  • Mode

    Specify how to render code on the specified page(s).

  • Override

    Apply code of this template when rendering the specified page(s).

  • Filter

    Specify the part of original code should be rendered using template.

  • XPath

    Specify the exact portion of code to render.

  • Select original content

    Generate XPath statement automatically.

  • Number

    The number of specified elements to render.

  • Show Original

    Apply code available on the original page(s) to the specified page(s).

  • Device

    Specify devices for which this template should be applied in order to show pages assigned to the template.

    • Phone

      This template will be used when showing pages on smartphones.

    • Tablet

      This template will be used when showing pages on tablets.

    • Desktop

      This template will be used when showing pages on desktop computers.

  • Condition

    Specify condition to assign your template to definite page(s).

    • Equal

      Address of the page to assign the template to. Note that you should not specify the domain name.

    • Starts with

      Template will be assigned to page(s) address of which starts with the specified string. Note that you should not specify the domain name.

    • Contains

      Template will be assigned to page(s) address of which contains the specified string. Note that you should not specify the domain name.

    • RegExp

      Template will be assigned to page(s) address of which satisfies the specified regular expression. Note that you should not specify the domain name.

    • XPath

      Template will be assigned to page(s) on which the specified XPath expression returns true.

    • JavaScript

      This option is the most flexible among Condition options. You can write condition of any complexity, including JavaScript and Flamingo API expressions to define the page(s) to which the template should be assigned.

    • Condition Field

      Write the condition in this field.

  • Case

    Specify if the condition is case sensitive or not. The option is availabe for the Equal, Starts with, Contains conditions only.

    • Sensitive

      The condition is case sensitive.

    • Insensitive

      The condition is not case sensitive.

  • Query String

    Specify whether include or exclude query string when assigning templates to pages.

    • Include

      Take query string into account when assigning template to pages.

    • Exclude

      Ignore query string when assigning template to pages.

  • Tags

    Add tags to group templates easily. Tags will be displayed on the template title.

  • Edit

    Open template in Code Editor.

  • Clone

    Create a copy of the template.

  • Delete

    Delete this template.