Filter Manager

Filter Manager is used to add/remove filters and edit their rules.

To open it, click the Filter Manager button on the left sidebar.

Filter Manager

+ New Filter

Create new filter.

Search filter

Find filter by its name.

Filter Properties

Usage Indicator

The green indicator shows that the filter is applied to the site.


Expand or collapse filter properties.


Filter name. It is shown on the filter title. Your filters are identified by name.


Filter name. It is shown on the filter title. Your filters are identified by name.


Contains the definition of the DOM element that should be processed by the filter.

Use the button to select the element on the site page.


The action that will be performed with the snippet.

Text Replace

Replace the text specified in the Input field with the new text specified in the Output field.

Text Insert Before

Insert the text specified in the Output field before the text specified in the Input field.

Text Insert After

Insert the text specified in the Output field after the text specified in the Input field.

Style Manipulation

Apply styles to the DOM element specified in the Input field. In the Output field, you should specify the CSS property name(s) and value, for example, ‘font-style’: ‘italic’;.

Class Add

Add the CSS class specified in the Output field to the DOM element specified in the Input field.

Class Remove

Remove the CSS class specified in the Output field from the DOM element specified in the Input field.

Attribute Add

Add the HTML attribute specified in the Output field to the DOM element specified in the Input field.

Attribute Remove

Remove the HTML attribute specified in the Output field from the DOM element specified in the Input field.

Remove Text

The text specified in the Input field will be removed.

Remove Element

The DOM element specified in the Input field will be removed.

Hide Element

The DOM element specified in the Input field will not be displayed.

Show Element

The DOM element specified in the Input field will be shown.

Replace by Snippet

Use snippet instead of the DOM element specified in the Input field.

Add Snippet Before

Add snippet before the DOM element specified in the Input field.

Add Snippet After

Add snippet after the DOM element specified in the Input field.

Prepend Snippet

Add snippet in the beginning of the DOM element specified in the Input field.

Append Snippet

Add snippet in the end of the DOM element specified in the Input field.

Output /

Depending on the action selected in the Processing field, it can be a DOM element definition, CSS class name, attribute, etc.

appears only when working with snippets. Use this button to open the popup window to search snippets and find the one you need.

Open the code of the snippet used in the filter rule for editing. This button is available only if a snippet is applied in the filter rule.

Search Snippet popup window

Search snippet

Enter the name of the snippet you need. If such snippet exists, it will be shown in the Available Snippets field or you can use the Create button to add such snippet to the project.


Create a new snippet.


Save the created snippet.

Snippet code

Field for inserting snippet code.

Available Snippets

The list of snippets available in the project. You can use any of these snippets in your rule.

+ Add Rule

Add one more rule to the filter.

- Remove Rule

Delete a rule from the filter.

Execute filter for

Defines how the filter should work if not all conditions specified in the triggers used in the filter are met.


The filter rules are executed only if All conditions defined in the triggers used in this filter are met.


The filter rules are executed only if at least one condition defined in the triggers used in this filter is met.

+ Add Trigger

Use this button to add a trigger to your filter.


Search the trigger you need by its name.

Trigger list

The list of triggers available in the project.

Trigger Name

The name of the trigger used in the filter.

Edit Trigger

Open the trigger in Trigger Manager to view and/or edit it.


Remove the trigger from the filter.


Create a copy of the filter.


Delete this filter.

See also