
The current version of Flamingo offers five types of accounts with different possibilities granted to the owner. Flamingo account gives you right to work with Flamingo service.

Enterprise account provides full power of Flamingo service to its user. It is useful for people that have to manage their own site. This type of account can be shared with other project users that have any other account (gold, silver, bronze or free), to give them ability to make the most of Flamingo features. It provides staging environments, flexible options for granting permissions, does not have limitation on the number of projects, etc.

Gold account has some restrictions on the number of projects that can be maintained (limited to 10).

Silver account allows maintaining up to 5 projects and has some restrictions for the environment functionality.

Bronze account allows maintaining up to 3 projects and provides all features necessary for maintaining simple websites.

Free account is usually given to people working on project (developers, QA engineers, etc.). This account is useful, because its owner can work with projects shared with them as an invited user. Besides, Free account acts as trial account where you can create one project and see how Flamingo works.

See also